
If I had a dollar for every time my mom tried to literally convince me that I wasn't in fact me, but was an impostor planted by aliens… I would have one dollar.
Yes, it did happen. I was twelve.

  • 4
    Seems that in Russia Mother You!

    Level of bulshit you had to endure as a child is way over 9000!
  • 1
    @devJs reading the entire bible all over again as a punishment too
  • 4
    Damn, I can only imagine but I think that could mess up a kid quite badly!

    Edit: Both, the alien thing and the Bible
  • 4
    So many questions... Did your mom gave birth to the alien ? Have been swapped by a look-a-like alien ? Was your mom the alien ?

    Still hard to hear stuff like that from a parent at that age...
  • 4
    @Grumm probably some narcissistic shit like: they abducted the real deal and put an alien clone/shapeshifter to spy on me, because I'm the most important/dangerous person on this planet!
  • 1
    @Grumm what @devJs is almost exactly right.
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