Not teaching Java on a stone age Blue J would be a great start!

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    Is it a good thing I haven't heard of it? We started using netbeans. Haha
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    @fullsnack-dev should have stopped at the first part of your comment
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    My university uses it because the head of department wrote BlueJ :(
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    @arathmorr Kent university?
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    We have to use it in school, I hate it and imo it is bad for learning java
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    We have to use it this grade but in the next we will be using Eclipse. I hate it too.
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    Haha oh BlueJ, hello fellow University of Kent peeps! 👋😆
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    I feel you. I had to use BlueJ, too, when I was taking AP Computer Science at my high school. I purged my laptop of that blasphemy immediately after that year.

    I heard that some guy at my school used BlueJ to create a massive program with more than 50 classes for an important school project
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    I don't know about you guys but I loved BlueJ back in the day. Sure it had so less features but it had enough to get us started. For a 10 year old eclipse would have been an overkill and intellij I doubt existed.
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    Imagine sitting your OOP exam using BlueJ...
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    @RantSomeWhere eat a dick
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