
Anyone playing electric guitar here? What do you have? Mine is Fender Player Stratocaster

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    I have a Gibson Les Paul Studio and a Yamaha FX335C. I'm not great, though.
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    @spongessuck wow, good for you! I always wanted a Les Paul though, or any HH guitar for that matter. But my weird ass made it impossible:

    1. If I pick up a guitar and don't hear a clean ass strat, I begin to literally suffocate. Not as dramatic as people with peanut allergies when they eat peanuts, but it's heavy manual breathing for me still.

    2. I can't haz two guitares cuz THER CAN ONLY BE ONE

    I'm thinking about a HH archtop though. Those things always fascinated me.
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    Always wanted to get Ibanez jazz bass because of the sound. In the end I ended up buying second hand Tajfun bass - Yugoslavian made as I was poor AF. It was decent for beginners, after some time when i had pause from playing I borrowed it to some asshole and never got it back.

    Now I am thinking on getting synth, but probably won't. For me, music is for hearing as I don't really have any music talent at all.
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    @devJs how can you read my mind again and again? My relationship with music is the same! Same with poetry for that matter. My brain makes legitimate bangers when I sleep, both music and lyrics, but quickly writing them down seconds after I wake up is VERY challenging. I bet you already know that :D

    I, too, had a cheap guitar. I, too, want a jazz archtop.
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    A wannabe here ✋
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    @Lensflare cool! What do you play? Or want to buy for that matter
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    @kiki I have this basic Epiphone guitar that was bundled with Rocksmith 2014.
    I‘m at that level where it doesn‘t sound too terrible when I try to play a song.
    I‘d like to have an electric bass guitar just because it sounds so beautiful (when other people play it)
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    i wanna buy a telecaster someday but for now i just borrowed my daddy old folk guitar with some decent mic and i fx it on my desktop, drop a few breaks and a few synth as bass. I'm aiming at something athmospheric breakcore / showgaze / triphop with some hardcore kicks

    It also work with my ukulele and my handbanger. i also want to buy a darbuqa and a balalaika.
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    i miss having some decent keyboard as well. Maybe a keytar, i could drop some mean beat and and have stage presence with a telecaster and a keytar to control the midi.

    But my fav looper is still the novation launchpad. I can just push a button, play a line, repeat. With a bit of reverb it's really pretty
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    i have like 4 ukuleles lmao i should do an orchestra
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    @kiki not sure, might be that slavic mentality or something!

    I have ability to hear every instrument separately but never been able to transcribe it or play it, i can humm it tough but its out of the tune, so i am useless in that regard
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    @antigermanist wow! Definitely do share your music, I want to listen to acoustic guitar shoegaze triphop with synths
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    @kiki I had a whole album but i got my lappy stolen :( now it's hard to get back at it coz I have to start ll over again but it's running its course :)
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