you know shit just got serious when a developer takes off his watch

  • 8
    I know many of us don't but I think those who do can confirm
  • 18
    @terrabyte i can confirm, watch off, headphones on (not necessary listening to anything), staring into the abyss of code
  • 4
    I don't feel comfortable wearing a watch while using a computer/laptop.
  • 6
    bluetooth headset on, watch off, unlit cig in my mouth
  • 1
    and sitting up straight
  • 15
    For me, I take off my shirt and trousers :)
  • 3
    Always do this. can't have your watch tapping on the table all the time. you need freedom on your wrists to type fast.
  • 0
    Haha, i do this All the time when I am stressed out. xD
  • 0
    @Renardhj I wish that was true for me. It seems that I get more more people asking me questions when I have my headphones on versus when I have them off hahah
  • 3
    Can confirm.

    For the really serious work my rings come off too.
  • 0
    @aimanb haha so true. So true.
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