I really just hate Apple development. Xcode blows hard ass and if you are a person like me who has 0 Apple devices and has to go to the fucking school labs to code then why wouldn't you hate apple development. It's really the lack of being able to code outside a fucking Mac cause its just pointlessly limiting, fuck you Apple.

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    Xcode seriously sucks.
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    MacInCloud.com will save you from having to go to the school lab all the time.
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    @iAndroid I love your username!
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    @ryanmhoffman thanks! Just found devrant, and I had to come up with something fast.
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    I want to get into iOS development, but all of my computers are Windows machines, which makes it nearly impossible.

    Apple why do you have to be so locked down
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    @SOlson MacInCloud.com is your friend
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    @iAndroid That’s a wonderful thing, holy crap. Thanks!

    Definitely cheaper than trying to find a Mac Mini.
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    @SOlson Yea, I used their service for the past two years to port some Android apps to ios. It's handy because you can login to your Mac desktop from anywhere and the prices aren't terrible. Worth it if you need it.
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    Development in Xcode is some requiem for a dream level bullshit
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    Then why the fuck are you developing for Apple?
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    Man, I know how it feels. I too recently started using xcode and I've never grown to hate something so fast!
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    Pick React Native and say goodbye to Xcode (for the most part at least). You can use the app Expo on your iPhone to test live.
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    @Cyanide for school
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