
Just found out that IE11 doesn't even support ES6 classes...

I couldn't care less about but still...

  • 1
    ES6 classes are a pox on the language. I've never understood why anyone thinks such a poor syntactical model is a good idea.
  • 1
    It's ok just compile your typescript down to es5 and use some polyfills
  • 0
    @spacem or not. I write all my js using the ES6 goodies. Sure typescript might be nice but it depends on other software.
  • 3
    @greyfade because i dont have to look up everything anymore and the syntax is similar to normal languages
  • 0
    Use babel
  • 1
    Not many browsers do as es6 still hasn't been distributed or some shit? Who fucking knows? 2015 was released in 2016 Right? Cant beleive all the articles on the internet. So yea confusing as fuck... use Babel and friends to get to es5. It is the only way. That or write a script that opens chrome from ie?
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