
tl;dr: spent 12 hours creating an api for a job interview challenge. Got rejected after 4 weeks with no real feedback, and all I can do is rant!

So I was in the interview process with a company that was a great fit for my background.

Got through a couple of phone screens, and was given a coding challenge consisting of writing a web API with a couple of endpoints and a filter function.

I'm like, ok no problem, I happen to have created apis for some mobile apps in the past, and I pick Django rest framework to get the job done.

Implemented it on a Sunday, wrote a medium size Readme.md and some unit tests and submit. Took almost four weeks and a partial resubmission to get a rejection with no specific feedback.

Now I'm shamelessly butthurt and I have nothing else to do but rant! Worse part is I looked back at the code and in my opinion is solid AF, so I put it on my public GitHub cause fuck it!

  • 13
    Don't sweat it man it happens. If anything it is shitty on their part so just keep applying.
  • 3
    I feel u. Mines was just a simple array [] and 4 loop challenge, but it still sucks! We just have 2 keep fighting this uphill battle...or start one ourselves.
  • 10
    It's quite possible they used your work as part of their project/product
  • 3
    Send them an email back asking for advice for the future, it could be they just had too many applicants to give individual feedback (still a poor excuse) so asking them specifically might be required.

    Either way it would be good to know why so I see no harm in trying 🙂
  • 3
    I feel your pain man. I am currently in a similar process. However, in my case, it's a java application that basically simulates timesheet management. I've been working on it for like a week now. I just hope they'll provide me with proper feedback should they not take me.

    Keep on pushing man.
    Happy coding
  • 0
    They just tricked you into working for them for free. Don't do company work when applying.

    But on the bright side you've got a nice API on your GitHub now as reference for future applications so at least it wasn't all for nothing.
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