Goddamit! Why does hitting Ctrl+Y in android studio is set to delete a line by default? Shouldn't it be redo? Who the fuck designed it? Thank God I can reassign keyboard shortcuts in android studio.

  • 3
    Hahaha exactly I never like this... How many times I fucked up... Cant remember
  • 1
    Change keymap to Eclipse in the dropdown.
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  • 2
    @ebourgess because Ctrl+Y is universal key for redo?
  • 1
    @ebourgess just close file and don't save changes lol

    Also, I don't know, even though ctrl+y might be more common as redo, I find it much more useful as delete line, rarely ever redo anything ...
  • 5
    Any fucking program I used on windows, linux and macOS used ctrl + y as redo not only windows. Ofc everyone checks the keybindings but let see how would you do it when some program has ctrl + e for copy not ctrl + c :D @ebourgess
  • 0
    @ebourgess which one?
  • 1
    In Visual Studio to delete a line you use Ctrl + Shift + L. Ctrl + Y does redo. If I remember correctly, Android Studio asks you what keyboard shortcut schema to use on first start.
  • 1
    @ebourgess Usability ISO says that you should reuse hotkeys everyone knows and which are widely used like undo, copy and paste, save and stuff.

    But isn't undo Ctrl + z? Might messing up use 3 different keyboard layouts
  • 3
    @TheLazyDev @ebourgess ctrl+shift+z is more universal imo
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