The thing I really wish for is devrant posts not to be visible when i look up things on ddg, because i wanna rant about stuff but they are so exact that it would take 2 nanoseconds to find my user here.

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    What do the creators say about this? Because a new line in robots.txt should fix this.
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    @namenlossss ye, duckduckgo

    @YouAreAPIRate (nice name) i think as a business model it would suck, because it would mean that less people find devrant randomly, but man, they could like make the top 10 posts public and youd have to register to see the rest or something
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    @BindView thanks ^^. IMO i like devrant more when it's a small group of users, masses ruin social networks. And i found devrant via reddit post, that would work even without search engine
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    @YouAreAPIRate i remember like not even a year ago when devrant was small and every other post was from someone i knew
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