
How can I make a slideshow like this that goes so when you touch the screen it goes to a page to display options in html css js?

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    html: false,
    js: true,
    css: true
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    @jdmkaan You're a good sport. In all reality, the implementation of that is quite simple. It just depends on the platform it will run on. (iPad, Android, Web, UWP, etc)
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    <a href="route.html">click me<a>

    <input placeholder="idk" />
    <input placeholder="idk" />
    <input placeholder="idk" />
    <button type="submit">ok<button>

    I mean, technically that'll work... kind of. Just without the "working" part.
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    There are a billion jquery slider plugins. I recommend Slick.

    Put a click handler on each slide, match it to a dig overlay that corresponds to that slide. Pause when the div overlay is open, pause on close.
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    @noonesboy Slick is the go-to
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