Being an introvert I don't like to show off but it's been around 7 months I am doing internship (3 so far) and didn't tell anyone about this.
In class every faculty thinks I am stupid because I spent more time in work rather than on my college materials. Due to which other guys get recognised who are good with college studies and I am always left behind.

I really hate this feeling when you work so hard and there is no one to tell about my achievements.

  • 7
    Well dude, good job! Good for you, always keep in mind that you are living your life for one person, one person alone, you. Now that does not mean you should be selfish or individualistic but it means that the only person you should please/thank is yourself. You go get that experience, get that money, do pass your studies too and you'll be golden. Formal education is overrated anyways, except if you're at a top tier university, at one of their top tiers degrees too. Good luck!
  • 4
    The certificate at the end is usualy worthless. Concentrate on the experience.
  • 3
    Lately I've been thinking that the degree only gives you some kind of credibility in the field, but in the end it's the real world experience that sells you. Where are your achool mates recognized? Among teachers? Well tough shit that doesn't mean anything. Yea they might get hooked up with some work from them but there's only a few places. You on the other hand have a real company and experience backing you up. I've learnt a lot more at my part time dev job in comparison to school.
  • 1
    So relatable it hurts.

    "What do you do as a hobby?"
    "I work on a website"
    "No, that's your job, I mean, you *real* hobby?"
    "i just told you, it's just not the same I work on at my job"

    Bam, now I'm the weird dude.
  • 2
    @karnivol I'm currently in a school, everyone knows that the only thing the school will actually bring you is a fucking diploma and nothing more, but the school still costs 6500€/year
  • 1
    @Drillan767 well at least here university is free if you pass all your exams and stuff... I am fortunate enough that the people here are awesome but it's not the school assignments and stuff that teaches you, it just introduces principles and gives you an idea of how some things work, it's what you do outside of school that counts...
  • 3
    "People who put more effort into college material get more recognition on college"
    Well obviously. Its great that you work on the side, and you will learn a lot of great stuff that way, but if you don't tell anyone about anything, how can they even know that you are doing something interesting
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