
When a random recruiter texts you an irrelevant job posting instead of spamming your voicemail or email like they usually do...

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    I get numerous calls, texts and emails every day, they are relentless...
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    @nblackburn yeah lol it's amazing. I've gotten calls on weekends before which really gets me mad. I also hate when they say "tell me why you're not responding" and then give multiple choices.
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    One of the more recent ones tried to make me quit my job as it paid better (i love my job which means vastly more to me).
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    I was dodging one years ago who would call about once a week. I specifically told him I needed local and he was sending me jobs an hour away.

    He somehow got my mom's number and called one of my references(former boss and friend) to pass along messages. Sent him a nasty email after that, haven't heard from him since... Until today actually.

    I better tell my mom to change her number.
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    @MadHatrix wow, that's so crazy. They really do some ridiculous things. I've always tried to follow the rule "just ignore them if you don't like them" but a few recruiter emails have almost made me lose my cool lol, especially the entitled ones of, "just tell me why you're not responding!!"
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    Every voicemail includes 'your resume came across my desk' and 'I got some positions I'm working that seem like a great fit'

    I've also noticed, recruiters change jobs every 6-18 months and all end up working for the same companies.

    Recruiting companies have about a 3 year lifespan. I think they keep changing names because you can only burn through their stack of resumes so many times before it's considered harassment. Haha.
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