Tips for using jQuery:


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    **multiple man in white coats taking notes fx**
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    You have a static webpage, you like to add some cool effects. jQuery is perfect for that.
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    @sunfishcc **men in white coats look at each other in disbelief and confusion fx**
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    @AleCx04 everybody has a white cost if start with engineering major 🤦‍♂️
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    Who knew?
    Now tell me why!
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    @LicensedCrime but you can't set display to none based on window position in case, don't you?
    Maybe I'm wrong...
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    I'm converting from jQuery to vuejs and sometimes i think it's more easier to use jQuery on some occasions!!! 🤔
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    @cha-m-ra interesting. To me it has been the complete opposite. I guess we could very well treat Vue as a more modern and powerfull version of JQuery. I do really like jquery btw
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    @sunfishcc Because that's obviously all you do with JS, cool effects.

    Anyhow, jQuery actually has a place when you're scraping info from html documents. See "cheerio", a node package.

    Other than that, since browsers support querySelect now, not really.
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    @cha-m-ra @AleCx04 Why do people choose Vue over react btw? Just curious.
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    @Froot tbh, JQuery is forbiddened at work. 😒 We moved to purely React now.

    I thought most people use Python for html scraping
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    @sunfishcc Could be, I'm just not very good at python so when I need to throw together a scraper I use node.js. It works really well too since node can effortlessly do requests in "parallel" so you can scrape as fast as you can and not wait on network requests.
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    @Froot I love node.js but my boss is .Net guy.🤤
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    @sunfishcc PSA: http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/

    This is also a good JS cheat sheet on top 💖
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    @inaba I know most of them. Some of the problem is more complex then it looks.
    Eg. Js objects deep clone. (With functions and nested objects)
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    @Froot react has a steeper learning curve than vuejs.

    I prefer react, but switching to it would mean half of our devs would be inept at extending the codebase.

    Where as with vuejs juniors have a chance to work with it
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    @orijin I might be harsh here but if Devs can't learn a new technology then they're shit Devs, I'm sorry 😄

    Tho it seems that ease of use is the main thing going for Vue.
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    @Froot l tend to use simple technologies that I can understand easily! Currently I'm looking in to react too!😋
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    I use it regularly and I'm fine with that :)
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    @AleCx04 I think the thing is that I learnt to program using jQuery! So i tend to think in jQuery 😏
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    @Froot i agree, but i prefer my weekends rather free, than solving shit others couldn't do in a week
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    "how to do thing in javascr-"
    "uSinG jQuEry iTs EAsy All yOuDO
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    @Froot I use VueJS as my main driver.

    I took on it because I tried the holy Trinity (Angular, React and Vue) and the latter seemed easier to get started with.

    - It has simple syntax because it relies on pure JS, nothing fancy (unless you start to use single file components and webpack).
    - It's easy to begin integrating it into an actually ongoing project, you just patch the script tag in the header and you're ready to go, Vue available all around the website without having to redo stuff first.
    - I think it is suitable for one-person teams and maybe middle-sized projects.

    Choosing a framework falls into the same *choosing an OS* tale.

    About your comment on people learning new technologies, I think it's kinda harsh, I mean, yeah of course you should (and must) be able, because this field it's a fucking fast-paced one, but sometimes, using simpler things allow for less friction and reaching the deadlines on time.
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    @Froot I just did it to learn something else. I really like React, but Vue js came up and I thought hey why not!

    As far as benefits from one over the other I think that one thing that I really dig about Vue is that 2 way data binding is done using tags in your markup( v-whatever:etcetc) and stuff like that but it is more a matter of personal taste honestly.
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    Use Backbone.js or Knockout.js.
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    I think it depends on what you want to build. For complex single page applications I choose React (Redux,Saga). But often server side rendered apps are faster to build and become more stable. For those I'm using JQuery to build my components. It just works.
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    jQuery is just a tool.. use it where it's effective and use something different where it's not.
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    @rtannerf I 100% agree, other than comparing React to a power drill. A better metaphor would be a really BIG, heavy screwdriver. That no one can lift. And breaks. A lot.
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    I use it for quick prototyping purely because old habits die hard
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