After a year of trying, I think i finally get react

  • 1
    Are you happy with it?
  • 1
    It's your Epic React time!
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    @AlexDeLarge yea it was because i was busy with day job
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    @mohammed kind of good. Feels like i finally stepped in modern js and say goodbye to jquery. Will take longer before i can convince the company to use it.
  • 3
    Congrats on the effort! React's ecosystem is so rich and dynamic that you never really feel in control. Yesterday's best practices are gone today, so keeping up does take time.

    My 2 cents are to use that hard earned knowledge and try Vue for a few hours. Thank me later ;)
  • 2
    I suggested react to my team after some research. Then I had like a month max to get it... So far I'd say the time spent on the learning is worth it.
  • 2
    Same here :D I'm also learning redux and it's exciting.
  • 5
    Honestly I thought you said you finally got erect
  • 0
    A year?!
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