
I like the idea of Machine Learning in JS simply because I think it is way to fascinating to see what people are doing with JS.

Some programming languages tend to a attract very peculiar crowds. Some are even famous for the type of people they attract. Python is highly regarded as a language for scientists and researchers as well as beginners in development due to how simple and expressive it is. So you normally tend to see that kind ok f people in it(and before you bitch about it....no....it is not an all inclusive statement, hold your cock holster)

Whereas JS seems to have people from all backgrounds. It really is the language of the internet and as such the people around the internet have tried hard to make it better. So this can be considered an experiment regarding the way people collaborate with one another and I dig it.

Its all about working together ma ninjas.

Still a pretty funny language sometimes tho

1 + "1" = "11"
1 - "1" = 0

I still love it.

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    the most interesting thing about js for me is that it is the only language that you can easily execute on another computer without its owner knowing about it. Do you even want to know what runs in the background of your streaming websites? Now that I think of it, you could use your users to evolve your AI.
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    @YouAreAPIRate people have been running code in other people's computers for ages though. I would not be to critical of the language for letting people do stuff like that but I would be of the people aiming to do that.
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    @AleCx04 It's the easiest way to do so though. Because users will come to you and not the other way around. And that happens only in web-browsing and crappy apps, but the user has to give permission to the app.
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    I like the idea of machine learning too.

    And thats the point at where we diverge.
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    Collobrative machine learning from all visitors - sounds cool!
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    @irene look around, that is already the actual proposed idea through gpu.js and other tools. Right now it has meh performance, but once the implementation is complete I am sure that it will have a major speed boost.
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    @sharktits man....you used to say shit like that about mobile development with React Native or Flutter until you tried it......
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    @Rabbyte dangerous but cool :V
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    @AleCx04 im just playing man, implemented a genetic learning thing in js a few days ago, it was pretty okay
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    @YouAreAPIRate users ALWAYS come to you in terms of stealing their data or injecting scripts into their machines.........it is no te as easy as going to stealyoshit.cum and just activating hideinuser.js dude
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    @AleCx04 heard about xss? Please tell me where this happens as often as in browsing
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    @irene lmao 👍
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    @YouAreAPIRate i have no clue how did you get that from what I am saying.....my point is, people have been infecting and stealing shit since before js was even a thing, the fact that the web is another say to operate in the realm of security does not work as a way of condemning an implementation or tech stack
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    @AleCx04 i agree with that, but my point is that the web offers so many ways of injection. The number of ways, the number of already vulnerable application, the low amount of experience you need for injection, the pages that embed other pages and ads... all of these make the web the primary platform to bring your code to unsuspecting individuals
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    I'm not a big fan of JS but must say that the community and all the crazy stuff they do has always fascinated me.
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    @PaulTheSaltyDev it really is impressing man! I remember when Node was still in the process of being released, a lot of people were interested in it. I kinda had the idea that it was going to be big, but never thaaat big.
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    I am not in machine learning but i love NodeJS as it is simple to use and can be used with other languages, you can even cross code in different languages and use NodeJS as a core to handle the outputs of the other languages.

    Node is awesomly simple, as long as you know where you want to go !
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    @grubbering handle the outputs of different languages? You mean with stdin? Literally every other language supports stdin
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    @grubbering care to elaborate?
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    @PaulTheSaltyDev each language is good for something, node can be used as a trigger if you want and have time for it you can build an app using different languages and each one providing an output.
    Output meand anything close to a result (stdin, create a file, REST,ws ....)
    Node can easily manage all of them and make them work together like a controller.
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    @PaulTheSaltyDev i guess what @grubbering means is the asynchronous nature of node and javascript in general. You can easily connect to different services and pipe data from here to there without the need of constructing a complex multithreading scenario. And everything is single-threaded, yet still fast.
    This is where node shines the most imo. But imo node fails at the attempt of doing something big, because javascript and the flaws of the language. Or at least thats my impression of seeing other people use it.
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    @YouAreAPIRate i am on phone ...........
    But yes it is what i mean.

    nodejs doesnt scale so well.
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    JS has some obvious inconsistencies that should place it on the level of Flat Earth theory. I've never made any Flash, but JS era << Flash era because it used to be possible to block it and still be able to read a basic noninteractive site.
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    @d4ng3r0u5 not sure I can share that sentiment bud. JS has never forced me to download a plugin in order to view something in the browser....Flash would and even then it would not work...it was pretty cool when it would work tho.
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    Javascript is the biggest piece of shit ever, in history... I can guarantee you/anyone in the vastness of the universe, no matter how far you look, there isn't a civilization with something as remotely fucked up and bizarre for a fucking programming language.

    Not even cancer is so bad. Lucky for my ass and others WASM is here and in a few years from now the fucking web is gonna be developed in actual programming languages and not that motherfucking, flawed piece of shit!
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    @codePolitics what a rant :)
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