
Currently on train, listening music and browsing devRant. Music stops for a while and all I can hear is a person <A> saying: I'm not able to use so shitty operating system. I look up and see iPhone on <A>'s hand. Next to <A> sits an Android user <B>.

Not trying to spread bias about anyone. Just drives me mad, that people are turning down anything unfimilar so easily. Or maybe person <B> is trying to force <A> to use Android. 😲️

Next up on Public Trasportation - Human Behaviour Observations and Analysis: Ackwardness and Mental Get-Away Methods.

  • 6
    I've heard the "shitty os" excuse so many times.

    I never have and never will own an iPhone, but I still know how to get around iOS and how to find things. People are just really fucking incompetent.
  • 1
    It's because people generally sucks and are resistant to change. Though i found it hard at first, i like iOS too.
  • 2
    I liked WindowsPhone more than the other two. But c'mon it's a phone OS, you have a very low amount of physical buttons and touch stuff on screen. There's not enough room to make them really different.
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