
If naming classes, methods and variables in your (not english) native language seems like a good idea, please get another job.

  • 1
    I approve and English is not my native language.
  • 2
    I use English in my PHP code, but in small public javascripts. I ude Pokemon names, just to give people a moment of silence, when they see it.
  • 4
    And seeing code from China…
    drzh = user name
    drmm = password
    dzyx = E-mail

    Oh for god sake.
  • 2
    @redskabsskuret and I am now going to be doing this with so much joy, thank you :P
  • 7
    I think it all depends on what the product/project will be used for. Thinking english is universal and should be used for everything is a bit ignorant.
  • 3
    @flipflop English is universal, and should be used for everything!
  • 3
    Fuck it. I'm doing all my code in Klingon.
  • 0
  • 0
    If the variable is used for say a field that's not in English it's just weird to translate it to English... More sane to name it fieldHgrbubth than fieldYellowPonySizedManEatingBirdMonster.
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