
There's a guy in our all-hands who always does a magic trick on camera before starting. It's always very cringe.

  • 4
    Consider yourself lucky. We've had some pretty cringe ones recently. E.g. Game of Thrones themed
  • 1
    Cock Magic?
  • 4
    Like that one with the disappearing pencil, done by the Joker?
  • 1
  • 2
    This sounds like fun. All hands meetings are kinda shit. I might look forward to this.
  • 3
    I would be rejoicing. hope it cringes management so they have less of those meetings
  • 2
    @fruitfcker it's a south park reference. In that episode the two types of cocks are mentioned of course. The magic tricks done by pp and the male chicken that plays magic the gathering for money.
  • 2
    I consider the word cringe a bit cringe by now. Another word lost it's meaning :P
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