I just pulled an all-nighter to write an usability testing protocol in Microsoft Word for a medical mobile app.

- statement of consent and privacy declaration; easy: 1 hour
- structuring the protocol and writing the different use cases; easy: 1-2 hours
- layouting the document so the tables don't look like utter shit and adding dotted lines into the columns so the user can write in it without fucking up the whole document when resizing a simple column width; a fucking nightmare: 5 hours

Why is the creation of a nice layout so inefficient to the point where I'd rather design a form in CSS and send it to my printer, get your shit together!

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    Does anybody see the benefit in development documents, testing documents, requirement documents... It all just feels like beuracracy to me... Although I am tainted from my horrible job.

    Like why can't developers just know what they're developing and just DO it

    And testers know what they're testing and just DO it.

    Without all the red tape.

    That's why I'm trying to go indie... I make my game or app, you play my game or use my app... No middle man
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    @Artemix I definitely see the need for documentation in a team or personal documentation or for something that future people might be working on that weren't involved in the creation...

    I dunno its hard to explain the kinda nonsense documents we have at my job lol.

    Like 4 meetings, a business requirement document, level of effort document, prioritization document to change literally one line of code that could have been done within the first 3 minutes of the first meeting
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    @Artemix it's now or never! I never got arount learning TeX, but my anger wil be a good motivator
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