
"I strive for code quality and maintainability. I actually do. And i will not work for a company that does not care about it and just wants something done as fast as possible.
The only time i will do something quick and dirty is if it's actually urgent. And even then with one condition - my next task will be to fix it properly.

I do not care about your deadlines. I will do my best to meet them, but not at the expense of code quality. I've seen too many projects fall into technical debt, where productivity is so low, that the only way to move forward is hire more people and start working on a project 2.0

And please do not lie about how great your company is, if it's not. These kind of things surface very soon, and you will have wasted both of our time, because as i said - i will not work for a company that does not care about code quality."

you think i'll ever get a job again if i put this on my CV ? :D

  • 7
    Sure you will. I bet there are at least some companies who are looking for developers with such (amazing) views on coding 😏
  • 7
    I agree on this 100%. You might be able to phrase it a a little more positively while retaining the same sentiment, though.
  • 2
    @Kodnot the question is, how many of them are recruiting right now :D i'm quitting my job, so with this 'attitude' i might have some trouble, but i should be fine if i rephrase it a bit, as @antic mentioned.
  • 6
    Tell me about it. Worked as a lone web developer where all our customers were event agencies that ordered stuff about 1 week before their deadline.
    My boss didn't care about the code and wanted me to put down as little time as needed to make it work. The bugs just kept stacking up, and I quit in the end because it was unbearable to work that way.
  • 3
    I loved the monologue, I really did, unfortunately I feel most companies just want something different, try something like the following:

    "I'll increase your profits as long as you pay me for it"
  • 0
    i'd rather change my profession than work on another project that sucks the life force out of me.

    In this case, "It's you, not me" :D
  • 1
    And i mean, what's the point of working on these kind of projects ? you don't learn anything, you're just trying to keep the project's head above the water, until help arrives. And from my experience, it doesn't...
  • 1
    I'm working on a project like that right now. I had to spend 4 hours today just to ask questions and read code that's not commented.
    People here don't even know how it is supposed to work. I asked 2 other coders and they told me totally different invariants.
    The last document about the architecture is from 2010...
    I'd love to work somewhere where I actually do learn something.
    This is especially frustrating as a working student.
    In April after my exams I'll start looking for another job. Have to stay at this until I find something better though. Don't want to rely on my parents again.
  • 4
    Well if i saw that on a CV...i'd be very excited about meeting you. hell, i'd probably even put on nice clothes and bring us all coffee beforehand (for the interview).

    I'd have to resist the urge of hugging you and resort to a handshake as i realize a hug would be very *unprofessional*. but, yes, i'd be secretly hugging you in my mind and trying to figure out where you're office would be and how soon you can start (assuming the basics).

    for the record i'd never actually hug you.


    FUCK TECHNICAL DEBT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
  • 0
    @allthingsinmod :D thanks, that gives me a bit more hope :)
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