My PyCharm student license is expiring and I am no longer a student.

I think I need to enroll for another program to activate my PyCharm license.

  • 5
    Think there is a free community edition
  • 23
    Or you could download

    Shortcut to Shortcut to The.Batman.Begins.[HD].PyCharm.IntelliJ.Full.RiPz.1080p.CRACKED.aXXO.exe.jpg (1)(2) - 5kb
  • 3
    I actually wrote a tiny license server for JetBrain's products :3
  • 6
    I'm pretty sure enrolling to another class would be more expensive than paying the subscription.
  • 1
    @monkehparade careful, someone will mark you down, but it’s good to try these things for educational purposes
  • 5
    Whoever downvoted me I paid for a jetbrains subscription for years and only stopped using it because the .net core support is buggy as hell, before you go and get all high and mighty. Same as I wrote a generator for some dart products that I own, it’s an exercise for fun
  • 1
    @gruff I reverse engineer stuff for fun. I could also release it for educational purposes without providing the private key.
  • 0
    @Jmann but the paid version is not open source

  • 1
    @Jmann I completely agree. They deserve it, at least in my opinion. But its pretty damn hard for some people to pay the amount Jetbrains charges for their products (even with discounts, sadly 😞)
  • 1
    The subscription is pretty cheap really and you can get just the bits you need after you’ve paid enough payments to have brought it you get a perpetual license which makes it more worthwile
  • 1
    @growling that must be a virus because there is no "NO_VIRUS" in the title.
  • 0
    @gruff it really depends on where you live. For western Europe standards its relatively cheap indeed, but for eastern Europe it is relatively more expensive because of lower incomes.
  • 0
    @monkehparade just out of curiosity, where could I start if I wanted to do something similar? I am still a student, and will not need it for a couple of years, just want the challenge, tbh. (And yes, I will definitely pay for the complete JetBrains pack, because each and every one of them is just plain awesome, totally worth the money).
  • 0
    @LordKerwin yeah, but I use CLion, PyCharm and IntelliJ too, so the complete pack is cheaper than those individually
  • 1
    @aritzh You already mentioned it. You need curiosity. Lots of it. You need to want to know how things work, why they work and how they can be manipulated. It's like how when we were kids, we would take apart our toys to see how they work. Everything else will come to you afterwards. I know this is more of a generic answer, but it's the mindset you need to get into if you want to get into the field.
  • 1
    Same where XD vscode
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