It's finally annoyed me enough, I gotta ask...

Am I the only one getting annoyed at procedurals (the shows about crimes) and their accuracy irl, at least when it comes to timelines and alibis that are deemed as 100% uneditable fact... based on metadata and system log files???

Or is this another case of me assuming other humans must realise things i see as simple, should be common, sense?

If it's the latter... ANY system can be modded, timestamps have sooooo many ways of being altered from multiple angles, a few lines of code in an apk file on a dev mode device can make your gps show as anywhere in the world...

even a basic early 2000s runescape bot creator should know the basic methodology of this... and even OS-innate output of event logs can be set up to effortlessly mod themselves to selectively delete or rewrite upon the system's command to show them.

For anyone thinking im FoS/this isnt a simple concept of reality... or simply never considered the reality of how much less work it'd be to just commit whatever crime that high intellect people plan meticulously for years, often still getting caught... including via their own, or easily hacked timestamps/lack of alibi...

Wanna blow your mind?
If you remove all hdds/ssds and even all RAM, any external devices of any kind, cut off all networking, then put brand new, all 0s, storage and RAM in... then only connect directly to a totally direct connection to WAN (aka the internet via ISP... and your ISP has no malware etc)...

Without browsing anything, and a totally fresh, safe, OS newly installed to 0'd new ROM... no one actively finding/targeting you...

Can you already be infected with spyware/viruses/malware/etc?


how? Someone who knows what dev u use and concise coding and drivers in binary... they rewrite your bios to turn on basic components, no fans/lights/etc... bios has the clock, u can be asleep, see/hear nothing while bios boots up totally dark, runs a cimmand to pull all the malware to u... youd be oblivious

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    it's manufacturing consent

    I watch such TV shows because I don't know why. they're always really bad. it's just police state trying to say they're cool to their audience. they're good moral people, even though it doesn't make sense and is hypocritical because in one situation they have morals but in another they drop those same morals suddenly, and they're the authority and know how to solve everything, so you should trust them, even though that's not how any of what they're doing works. also always cooperate with them because of these god-like qualities. it's just a PR campaign. they got consultants on staff for it I think

    in terms of logs / proof: shhhhh. literally they use those logs in real life court cases, if they even get that far to care about proof. I don't know why people think a printed out paper is evidence either. apparently there's "authenticators" that make sure digital data wasn't tampered with but you can't do that lol

    p.s. like >80% murders are unsolved
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    you might enjoy this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

    people generally don't

    but we live in a big lie, and it encourages compliance, and because we comply the lie keeps going

    most things are like this actually. monkeys do it, too. they get splashed by a bucket, generations of monkeys will pull down other monkeys from climbing the tree that activates the splash, even when nobody can remember why climbing that tree was bad

    we have a bunch of myths of how the world works and it's just simply not how it works
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    I don't think any of them are claiming to be remotely realistic. Like no one closes cases at a rate of exactly one a week.

    It's also supposed to be understood by the layman so...
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