I wish there was a way to feel well rested without actually sleeping.

Or maybe I could somehow learn to program in my sleep.

I would be so productive, and finish so many projects if those options were possible.

  • 3
    If i could somehow not sleep or poop i would ve unstoppable!!

    Cant begin to list the number of shit I have missed because I was doing either one of those.
  • 5
    Are we sure we want to allow people to program while sleeping? some of the code I have seen was bad enough, with ppl supposedly awake....
  • 1
    @Michelle I also had such a thought until I came to realize that sleep acts as error correction mechanism. A situation where a system restart to bring process into their normal state before an error occured. Otherwise our systems would continously exhibit error propagation...
  • 2
    I've thought of this so many times. I really hate that I have to sleep, but I really love to sleep. It's a really fucked up relationship
  • 2
    @Floydian I'm kind of a foodie (or whatever fucked up term people use these days about people who is dedicated to making and eating very good food), but this is still kind of relatable. Before I became interested in food, I would have agreed with you. Now, not so much. I fucking love eating!
  • 3
    Jeff is getting 4 hours of sleep a day and programmers hate him!
    Find out what his secret is:
  • 2
    You could learn to lucid dream, so you might be able to try things out while dreaming.
  • 1
    @Floydian 🤔🤔🤔
  • 1
    Did you just delete your rant
  • 2
    Yeah. It's cuz someone just warned me not to do it in case I piss him off. If I do it and he finds that rant, then he'll know who did it.
  • 1
    The day has just 24 hours :(
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