
After the backlash I received from some devRant users about my text formatting, here is a properly formatted, and properly punctuated rant.

You see... It's boring.

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    @Alice Thank you. I have a formatting style that reflects my personality and aesthetics, and it's not oBNoxi0Us or anything, but no. Everyone should follow the rules.
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    @Alice Misplaced comma. Can I updoot this? 🤔
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    I approve your usage of updooting.
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    I don't even know who you are and what were your rants. Had to look from your profile. Turn out I have ++ed few of those need-formatting-rants. Sure clean and proper formatting is good but the message is more important :)

    // I am still waiting for some loli-content rants from you.
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    For this rant sir you deserve a ++ rampage
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    What text formatting? Rant should be improperly formatted. Shows your frustration that you don't even care for formatting
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    @jpichardo holy shit man you actually did it! you're a mad lad
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    @CurseMeSlowly thanks dude. btw you just added yourself to the official fbi watchlist, congratulations!
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    @lolicon LMAO. I am an old timer in their list. B-)
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    @CurseMeSlowly ah, i see you're a man of culture as well
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    @lolicon yeah man had been a while since i did one
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