Our new project is a responsive mobile-first web system coded with HTML, CSS, jQuery and AJAX that connects to MySQL, but the main tasks runs trough a huge application written in Visual FoxPro, per client request...the web version could manage the whole business but no, it has to be Fox.
Oh, and it's the version 6, not even using the latest version 9 with all it's "improvements". What are we, back to the past milleniun?

  • 1
    Very familiar with FoxPro for years/decades. I am curious, why do they insist on FoxPro?
  • 1
    In certain regions of South America it's still a tool of choice due to it's ease of deployment and years of developers sticking to that. So, if you know Visual FoxPro here, you have a lot of market to dive in.
    It is difficult to use new technologies for the same reason: old developers don't want to change their tools of choice or open their minds to new ways of programming. Kinda sad...
  • 0
    @Jumpshot44 I remember learning fox pro at college and thinking I can do this in vb in quarter of the time
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