
Day 17 of starving myself to death challenge.

Yesterday was… different. As I already said multiple times, I do eat from time to time, but yesterday I decided to fast.
By the evening, my body was completely exhausted. Couldn’t really stand on my own without holding onto something.
Then I laid down and got ready for sleep.

Because my body had zero energy, for the first time in 15 years it wasn’t twitching. It twitches all the time: I have restless legs syndrome, but it’s not just legs for me but the whole body. I can’t stress this enough how much I twitch every day. But right then and there, my body was calm.

As my brain was shutting down and falling asleep, I felt euphoria unlike anything I have ever experienced. I was in heaven. Calm body, empty mind.

I want to say it was worth it, and I probably will do it all again someday.

In the meantime, on I go, without fasting, motivated more than ever!

  • 2
    Anything noticable in weight?
  • 3
    Empty mind is so underrated but so much needed!
  • 1
    @retoor sharp decline in general, no decline since yesterday
  • 0
    The name of the challenge is spot on. I am expecting your final rant with your fingers barely working until your whole body gives up soon.
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