I laugh and cry at the truth of this.

  • 9
    incognito mode for chrome. I use it to do personal stuff on company computers, so they can only do so much damage if they were able to unlock my session.
  • 9
    @javajavajava isn't that just for porn?
  • 3
    @bjorngi that what he meant.
  • 0
    Well that's another issue. There is still a record of where you've been since that logging is done outside of chrome (on company networks). So generally, porn is completely off limits on work hardware. That said, banking website visits are relatively benign, and incognito doesn't save anything once it's been closed, keeping banking etc... details like logins safe.
  • 6
    @javajavajava basically what you mean is make a website that looks like a bank website, but is actually a porn site. You're a fucking genius
  • 0
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