
We hAvE THaT beHinD a FiuRRWall sO it CAn be InSEcUre!

Motherfucker, I would bitchslap you to the moon for such a retarded opinion! Why would you ever want a single point of failure!

  • 3
    I think you've meant the opposite. Firewall indeed is the minimum amount of security tho. Feeling safe with just that is optimistic.
  • 3
    *people with a password manager sweating in the corner
  • 5
    Single point of failure...

    Okay, two firewalls?
  • 2
    All that corpos really need is a scapegoat. If the firewall was provided by someone who said it was “secure against all attacks” and that can be proven in court, they don't care.
  • 0
    @kiki It's not about security, it's about liability.
  • 1
    @ootwhere And how is the crappy game you're selling going to help with either of those?
  • 1
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