
Next week, dev colleagues from abroad are coming to my office. Apparently I have to organise a "design sprint". I have never done a design sprint and we have never ran a design sprint in my company. We don't even have a dedicated UX/UI person. Me and other dev are doing designs since we are front-end

From what I've looked it up, a design sprint should take 5 days to do it correctly. I only have 3 days to fill assuming no other activities are planned. So anyone got any tips or advice?

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    My advise is not to take estimates from the internet on how long a sprint should take :P I do not think a design sprint is an existing thing having general rules :P It depends so much on your app and its size I guess. Good luck with that. Can be fun.

    Have fun with your remote colleagues. I had so much fun with them that I even lived there for a while and they spend a few times here as well. It's awesome to meet people that you've cammed with so long. We found out that every one from the Dutch office has an Ukrainian with the same kind of personality :P

    I wanted to give as pro tip to hire bicycles directly for your coworkers but forgot that you're not Dutch. My remote colleages said to my surprise that the bicycle and it's infrastructure was the best thing of being here. I think the weed was a good 2nd.

    What country are you from, and from what country they?
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    @retoor Belgian. They are from Croatia (2), Italy, Spain & Kenya.

    Sadly their b&b is a bit too far (+ too far from the old city) for giving them bikes but we have 2 company cars that they can. We have 2 more on our parking but they have a major problem with mold. I'll upload pictures later after I can be bothered to blur out the company logo on it :D

    I've met 3 out of the 5 already. It was fun the last time. But we got a new manager that wants to make it a lot more coorporate/organised. Our previous CTO was less professional and it evolved into a drinking party most of the time & we barely worked haha

    Now the manager wants to make it a lot more efficient with multiple workshops, prototyping and we even have a teambuilding with horses. I'm not really looking forward to that tbh.

    So yeah... I just have no idea how to prepare for it when I don't even know the time limitation.
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    @wojtek322 oh, here cuddling with cows was popular for a while.

    Sounds fun so many countries, a lot of stuff to talk about. Will you also go there? I liked traveling for my work more than regular vacations tbh. You guys could visit eachother in different countries all the time. That's cool.
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    @retoor So far in my 4 years of working there, we had one work trip that was more for fun than work. We had a very exceptional year so the owners paid for a 3-day holiday to Croatia for all 30-ish employees (same city as one of our devs). But that ended up more expensive than they expected & ended up with drama between the C-levels & managers.

    So for my ex-CTO went with an other Belgian developer to croatia multiple times that I was not invited to. My current manager already went once to Spain that I was also not invited to.

    Hard to say if I would like a work holiday but I would love to move to a different country for a few years. I guess I would like it.
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