Why is everything slow in windows even if I have a 16GB memory? Maybe because not SSD? 😑

Slow to open in windows:
- Docker, Postman, etc

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    I want to say switch to linux but I mean windows has its uses
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    @j4cobgarby like download unetbootin?
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    @stereohisteria Photoshop, things like that, that's the only reason I dualboot
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    Actual windows is a piece of shit. It doesn't matter if you put shit in a gold bath or in a normal one, it's still being shit
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    @j4cobgarby I get you, was just pinching. Although I decided years ago not to use any software who hasn't Linux support, I ended up using the mac-only Sketch app. It's just an enhanced Inkscape, but I need it until I can work better in Invision with my regular beloved Inkscape-Gimp-Scribus-Darktable combo.
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    Windows = to test your website in an actual google chrome and Firefox. Only? what other browsers did I miss? (on purpose) 🤣
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    Honestly could be a number of things, could just be a bad CPU, low RAM frequency perhaps, bad cooling, or you might just be using Windows Vista.
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    Because you have a negative attitude towards Windows. It can feel you know.
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    get yourself an m.2 ssd, Samsung 960 evo goes only for $200
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    Yes. You need an SDD. Even if you just install the OS on it and put everything else on the HDD, everything is going to be faster. No idea why Microsoft depends on IO wait so much...
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    Either their NTFS driver is shitty or their file caching is shitty. I can really feel they difference between copying 20k files on ext and NTFS. Also the fragmentation is an issue too...
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    Yes 16GB don't make a difference. The only way I was able to come close to Linux amazing speed was by using SSD
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    If you don't have an ssd that is definitely a worthwhile investment regardless of the os
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    Its definitly because you dont have a SSD.
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    @PikaDude I'm using windows 10 mate.
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    Oh so not having an SSD is the culprit? 😲
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    @Devnergy Yeah, the Windows Vista part was more or less a joke, but as everyone else has said, the issue probably lies with using a HDD. Having an Operating System on a HDD can really hinder a computer's total performance nowadays. My friend had his OS on a HDD and his computer took like 10 minutes to boot. His computer had decent specs too, the problem was just simply because he was running Windows 10 off of a HDD. This too was causing games like Overwatch to takes ages to load as well. As soon as he switched Windows to a SSD, everything sped up.
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    @PikaDude so if I use Linux with the same specs then I will really notice a boost in speed even if I still used HDD?
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    @Nanos I'm using docker in windows so probably that adds some weight. I'll post some screenshots tomorrow for the task manager
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    @Devnergy I wouldn't know, sorry.
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    @j4cobgarby can't switch to Linux in my office. Working in a BPO company and doesn't allow it. Sad
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