
I have seen many debates on how children are taught but rarely about what they are taught. This reminds me of my mother who used to tell Jehovah’s Witnesses knocking on the door that ‘we’re Church of England’. We weren’t and our family never saw the inside of a church except for weddings and funerals (thank you God). But my mother had sorted out our official spirituality with the holding position of ‘we’re Church of England.’ In the same way, most people don’t question what is taught in schools any more than my mother thought about religion. It was like just ‘there’. We lived in England and it had a Church so ‘we’re Church of England’ was enough without delving into detail, thank you. Most people treat education just the same. It’s a school and that’s enough delving into detail, thanks very much. What goes on there? They have lessons and stuff. What lessons and stuff? Well, they’re taught what they need to know. And what’s that? Well, lessons and stuff. Phantom Self has an image of how things are, an image supplied by the program, but for the most part knows or seeks precious little detail about anything

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    The school system is so fucked up that at this point I consider not teaching anti-scientific crap like intelligent design as a big win already.
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    I guess you start to question what’s in the lessons when you have kids
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    It's really simple actually, most people REALLY don't wanna think, they would really prefer someone else do the thinking for them. So when a system is suggested that does the thinking and decisions for you, most people would be on board. What does the system do? How does it do it? Why does it do it? People would REALLY prefer NOT to know and not to think about it. So the system does whatever it wants and follows whatever agenda it has.
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    yesterday was my grandma's funeral. It was catholic.

    But nobody gave her the extreme unction so now she's in hell I guess.

    I don't get fake religious people. Why would you focus on rules and social aspects of it without the spirituality. Just be an atheist if you don't care, nothing wrong with that.
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    Somewhere around 15 years ago, the question was thrown around loud enough, if the church of England really should still hold seats in the house of lords, for them to make a pole and ask how many are Anglican.

    They got an impressive number, claiming they represent all of those people.

    The Richard Dawkins foundation then called a big sample of those self-identified Anglicans to figure out if they believed in a God as the Anglicans do. The vast majority denied that and when pressed why they identify as Anglicans, they explained, they try to be good people.

    Oldest trick in politics and religion. Let your followers decide how to interpret your position individually.
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    This is exactly why I homeschool.

    And why I teach multiple religions. Christianity, Greek mythos, Norse, various other Pagan religions, some eastern spirituality (though I don’t know much yet), etc. My boys like the Greek gods.
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    @TrayKnots the British political system is the most over complicated ever, yet it doesn’t work at all.
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