Ok, I've tried multiple times to learn it, but just hate React and JSX. I don't know why-maybe because I'm a not a professional developer yet and can't see the right use case for it? I feel that's it's so overly complicated to render some HTML. Should I keep trying to learn this or just work with what I like for my projects, then learn React later? ARGH

  • 4
    Try vue
  • 4
    @ArtNo actually I was thinking of that, I hear it's gaining traction. I'll check it out!
  • 2
    In my opinion the hardest part about react is getting it to work with the many items required to make a 'real' project, with this i mean webpack or whatever the flavor of the month is. The ecosystem changes rapidly, but not as annoyingly as it did with Angular( 1 to 5 anyone?) But in the end it is worth it. It really gives you superpowers over dynamic and fast web applications. I would say that the effort is worth it and don't give up. But on the other hand, if it is not clicking with you yet then don't force it. Try Vue, which is ridiculously simple and great and see if you like it better. It has as much power as Angular and React whilst managing to be simple, lightweight and fast! Almost ridiculously fast
  • 6
    Don't post reactjs rants or else Vue pokemons will randomly pop here 😂 like us
  • 1
    @Devnergy LOL I don't mind, maybe I'll become one :D
  • 4
    @binarydigit we are the Vue sheep hehe. I once tried learning reactjs too but there are lots of complexities to it. When I found about vue and studied it, I said bye angular and react (even if they have more offered jobs in the market. I don't care lol!) I'll just study them when at work they require me to study it lol. 👌
  • 0
    I fucking hate JSX, and don't like React's API, like dangerouslySetInnerHTML and __SECRET_DOM_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED or requiring the 'style' prop to be an object while native DOM allows Element.cssText. So I went with a simpler kind of React without the JSX bloat: mithril https://mithril.js.org/. Do give it a try!
  • 3
    A *lot* of the companies I’ve interviewed for / had cursory interaction with have mentioned their angular -> react -> vue journey.

    I also think JSX is a little heavy-handed.

    The problem with frontend development seems to be that everyone is doing pretty much everything they possibly can, without actually stopping to determine whether they should.

    At least with desktop & backend dev (for the most part) things are largely stable and focus around assumed practices and frameworks.

    Really hoping the web goes the same way and settles the fuck down eventually.
  • 3
    I tried react and it was really complicated. Then just for fun I tried vue and had a simple to do list webapp running in an hour. I did not go back.
  • 4
    I love React and we use it at work. Once you get your head around it it's actually pretty simple and definitely more than rendering HTML...
  • 0
    Phew I feel better 👌
  • 1
    Well, I'm pretty sure you had the same issue I had when I learned React. There's so many ways to do things in React that I was completely lost between all the different tutorials people wrote.
    Finally I had the chance that my CTO explained it to me in the most simple way: he made a very simple React project without any CSS, then ask me to style it.
    I managed to handle that task and learn React in two weeks only.
    Ok, I admit the Webpack part is still difficult to get, but eh, I'm only supposed to be the designer!
  • 0
    I tried react and it squished different areas of my brain. But in the end it was worth the effort. Steep learning curve but once you get the hang of it, you can build amazing apps and have so much control.

    Only thing I felt needs improvement in react is API Integrations. It should be a lot simpler.
  • 1
    It really helps you learn how to structure your project and code and having reusable components is really handy.

    What I can't wrap my head around is Redux, it is so complicated that I stick to vanilla for now. Don't try it if you are new to React.
  • 1
    @rkajaste but OMG does Redux make a difference. I'd definitely recommend you keep working on it!
  • 0
    @unmarked Yes, I know, but my current project is basically finished already so I really do not want start rewriting it in Redux. I'll definitely use it in future projects, because the vanilla can be quite hacky in some parts.
  • 1
    @rkajaste the first time I used Redux to be able to save form data and backtrack to it, I about had a heart attack, I was so happy.
  • 0
    Learning JSX is unlearning the beauty of separation of concerns.

    Sure, you can get a cup of coffee, a pastry, a salad, a pizza and whatever-else-you-eat-for-lunch, throw it all in the blender, blend it together and eat it, and do that everyday.

    And some will say that eating food that way (or rather slurping) is more efficient. After all, the food is going to get mix up in the stomach, right?

    Well that's disgusting, it's ugly and repulsive.

    Welcome to JSX.
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