
Are we just programmed to stay awake all night? Even if we have nothing to do?

Like, it's 4 a.m. in my country and I just can't fucking sleep! What is this?!

  • 2
    This is love :D
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    File a bug report.
  • 1
    Depends, if you have an iregular sleep schedule, then yes.
  • 2
    Can't sleep 😧
  • 2
    Still can't sleep. 😧
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    @mata how about try travelling to a country 4 hours behind yours in world time. Maybe that will help you sleep.
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    4am. 😞
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    @Torbuntu What do you do before going to bed and after turning off electronic devices? Read a book or something?
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    Finish up the coding, shut the computers off, crack a beer, watch Netflix for an hour before bed. Lights off. Popcorn. Movie time. Helps to change gears.
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    When it’s that late and can’t sleep (or if I don’t have my sleep medication), I just take my ADHD medication and soldier through the rest of the day. Good thing it’s extended release so it lasts the whole day!
  • 1
    Happens.. too often, like now, it's almost 6am here, can't sleep
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