So how on earth is Strict MVC good for web dev. A variation of MVC works well but strict principles no!!!

  • 5
    So you randomly access the database from within the frontend code or what? Web is inherently strict mvc.
  • 1
    MVC has the flaw of assuming that the data you need will consistently be there when you call for it.

    Many large scale systems (some estimate 50% of managed APIs by 2020) are event-based systems.

    One of the biggest things to understand about event-based architecture is that because of its design it is “eventually consistent” meaning that your asynchronous event bus (basically a queue) is parsing events in order.

    With current crazy speeds of over 50,000 reads per second, it can be tempting to treat this as “consistent” but in the end if you design a system around this consistency then the system will fail at scale.

    MVCs reliance on calling data and expecting it to be there will not mix with the streaming event architectures of the future and will likely not be the “right” (subjective) choice for many companies at scale.

    Just my 2 cents from working in Angular1/React and Golang/EventStore systems.
  • 2
    SOLID principles and Design Patterns mate. Coding best practices also will greatly help. Believe me cheers! 👊 😎
  • 0
    Every single framework or methodology is mvc. It has no meaning. Just move on and don't give a crap!
  • 1
    No, but strict MVC doesn’t allow for the @mzeffect @mzeffect I think half my time was giving a crap, now I’m carrying on as everyone seems to implement differently so now just doing my way
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