The hardest part of a new project is starting it. But it may also be the most exciting. The possibilities!

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    who am I kidding? The most exciting part is watching new features work the first time, but the rest is true!
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    Ah git init, that's a command I haven't used for years now
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    So, what does touch actually do. Never used it myself.
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    @Willyb321 creates a new file. So, to create a new HTML file in the present directory would be 'touch index.html', for example.
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    @chewbacca well, I may have to use that in future!
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    @Willyb321 I have a particular soft spot for wandering around the command line. It got beaten into me. 😆
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    @Willyb321 touch is used for updating the timestamps of files without actually having to open them or modify them. You can even set the timestamp for the date it was created, modified, or accessed to a year ago. It has also been used to creating new blank files, probably more commonly than the original intention.
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