
Well that's just great isn't it...

  • 40
    Typical woman..
  • 1
    Story of my life.
  • 10
    She doesn't want you to talk to other girls.
  • 5
    @sladuled you could be executed on social media for a comment like that.
  • 1
    @SSDD You piss us off and in most cases when asked what's wrong you'll get a reply nothing. Then your house will burn down..go figure..
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    @SSDD meh, nothing personal, just my after thought.. an example of how truly fucked up female logic can be.. &yeah, go burn me on the stake for this :\
    I no longer care..I'm in a 'male' occupation but wouldn't mind being oldschool housewife with somewhat modern dev hobbies if that was the case..

    Also the fact is we are not equal and never will be, in general we are the weaker sex and females tend to think with their emotions..and overthink stuff.. That doesn't mean we are less of a human/person, just functioning different, meant for different tasks etc..

    Also one hell of a creature to debug..what's wrong?! nothing..everything..go guess, you have one try! xD ;)
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    @Condor Hahha thanks (: well it's true.. yeah, I might not be the typical woman, hell I hate cooking (&I cook like shit but will learn more when kids are in play < it's sth! xD) & love to climb (when I can) but if you compare sexes we are the weaker one regarding stamina & strength.. There ofc are always some exceptions that confirm this rule (literal translation of a saying in my native language) but fact is a guy will lose fat easier and stay fit with less 'trouble' than a girl due to how we were coded in the past..also the PMS syncing.. if not on pill, females will sync their periods to the alfa female in the group.. weird af but also true & confirmed.. also known 'fact' that female athleets perform better when on period due to hormones 'fuckup'.. & multitasking..it is usually a female speciality.. I always have problems how to log hours on tasks because if possible I do two things at once, testing one developing other..
  • 1
    @Condor not sure if pms sync is scientifically confirmed (probably not), but I noticed at work & school how some classmates went from diff pms cycles to day apart.. horror! All the crying & highschool drama..

    You should talk to my SO about me & cooking...he'd probably buy you a ferrari or sth if you manage to persuade me to like cooking.. :/
    I love baking though..brownies & cakes..mmm... No wonder I'm fat 😂😂😂😇
  • 0
    @rEaL-jAsE I don’t follow?
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