1999 New Year’s Eve must’ve been awesome

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    It was, it was.
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    My friend from work went to his brother's house and right at midnight turned off power to his house. They watched in the car them get candles out and do their thing. Then they noticed everyone else had their lights on and realized they had been pranked.
  • 0
    It was brilliant. Best party we ever had while we waited for the world to end.

    Also rinsed overtime in the run up to it when banks were simulating Y2K and needed on-call support. Never got a single call.
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    I was in high school. I went to three parties. Start with a good friend and my girlfriend, then drove down the street to a bunch of my church friends, and then a few of us from that group drove over to my best friend's place (the pastor's kid) and that's where we ended up crashing.

    I read the last devotion from My Utmost of His Highest from Oswald Chambers before we went to bed.
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