
i done got caught some virus. I'm sick

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    ps I'm shitting as i write ts
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    Your perfect girl maybe not do perfect after all. You should've known with all your experience.
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    @b2plane just lie down and accept the end. that's best for everyone.
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    @retoor she said she deosnt wanna fk w out condoms so i bought and fked her trice. but twice i took condom off cz i don't like it and without her knowing i fked her raw. i also recorded her fking in doggy without her knowing too. now i have memories ans proof of fking a new girl the same way how my whore blonde ex has videos fucking the guy she cheated on me with and also vid of her giving bj but allegedly it's on his phone. Fuck you to my blonde whore ex
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    @b2plane i totally support your ex's new movie career. But seriously, if she all told you that - she wanted to hurt you indeed. Why would someone tell details like that.

    Btw, i don't believe you did do the condom thing. Don't tell me you treat a girl that you consider perfect like that. If you treat a perfect girl that way, how do you treat people in general? Do you remember that your boss (or smth) said "You're to good for this world"?. I never believed it, and won't. It's impossible to even think of such stories in case of good person. Even having those fantasies. Just stop with such actions and be nice.
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