Is atom a good python IDE?

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    I not use Atom at all. But for python the best is PyCharm, there is a community edition. Or even VS Code with python plugin can works
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    I did not try it yet, but PyCharm works really well
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    Atom is good when the plugins aren't breaking it
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    Pycharm is really good for Python. For more customizability, I use vscode with is basically atom but faster. I haven't used atom ever since I started using vscode actually...
    The only reason I use pycharm over vscode is that the latter seems to have issues with parsing large (over 1500 lines long) python files (at least on my work machine which isn't exactly a beast), which my colleagues seem oddly fond of...
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    I know a bunch of us is thinking the same. VSCode is my swiss army knife of choosing.

    But of you try really want to cut wood, I'd suggest finding an axe somewhere. Can't help with than. I'm not a lumberjack.
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