
Had to explain a developer from a wordpress dev agency where to find the wp-config.php file and what it does/what the values do.

This person has been doing this for years.

I looked at this config file for nearly the first time in my life.

I literally had to explain her which variables stood for/did/meant what.

I am fucking done with today.

  • 9
    @Alice is probably right :<
  • 9
    @Alice I'd love agree with you but she's a main wp dev for years there, for as far as I heard :/
  • 1
    This has nothing to do with WordPress itself, why #fuckwordpress? 🤔
  • 10
    @Vip3rDev because #fuckwordpress
  • 9
    @Vip3rDev Oh because it's a fucked up cms with way too many security and performance issues imo.
  • 3
    I'm actually wondering if this is someone I know, because they run a web dev (inc WP) agency and don't know there arse from their elbow either.

    Last I heard she was "coding" a site in Dreamweaver CS3.
  • 1
    She was hitting on you. Dummy
  • 2
    @skqr She expected a different colleague to pick up xD
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