
Trying out linux. Any recommendations on what to do/learn.

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    Learn to use the terminal, and cli tools, after that learn how to manage application servers (apache, nginx, etc) after learn C, then assembly then build your own distro by recompiling the kernel, after all that get out of your room and realize that google, fb, apple and ms are now independent countries that dominate the world and with your linux knowledge you are the choosen one, the only one who can stop them.

    @linuxxx @matsaki95 any tips for this dude?
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    sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /

    (Please don't)
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    Get familiar with the CLI! It's freaking awesome and after working with it for many years, I use it more than a gui!
    Also, try out different DE's!
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    @speedForce I know at least that much. I have done some ssh stuff so I know very basic commands
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    :(){ :|:& };:

    Have fun
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    @ArcaneEye still in highschool and I just want to expand my knowledge. Thanks for the help
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    Biggest annoyance rn from switching is the "x" being on the left instead of right
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    CLI as several people have already mentioned. Get familiar with basic commands like cd, mkdir, ls, grep, pwd, and then move on to somewhat better stuff like git on CLI. You can also try to exit vim without help😛. If you are interested you can start writing simple bash scripts and cronjobs. Then you could peek into configs and various system related stuff and so on and on.
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