
I kinda like gulp.

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    Prefer webpack
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    @leksyib I like Webpack too. But it's more complicated I think... and I like things to be easy.
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    @Divisionbyzero Depends on the case.

    If you are building a JavaScript library or a standalone website etc. I recommend Webpack, because you can do so much more with so much less work.

    If you have a really custom project which no-one else than you can wrap their heads around and has been over developed to the point that implementing a build system is a pain in the ass anyways, I recommend Gulp.
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    Finally, it comes down to just preference. Simplicity over control.
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    @Divisionbyzero I like Gulp too. Easy Peasy. Webpack have lots of configs 😟
  • 1
    @joas Well said mate!
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