
Get 20,000 github stars
Move to USA

  • 2
    is it necessary to have that much stars to be eligible to move there?
    are you aiming for some specific company?
  • 0
    @tinybyte it’s not about company’s name, it’s about how company treats you. So no specific aim
  • 5
    Sadly USA is the shithole country now.
  • 2
    Why would you want to move here?
  • 1
    Ya USA is a shithole but most tech companies are here so...
  • 0
    @visudo @izerocool @iamroot
    I want to move because it’s warm. Russia is cold, we have almost no sunny days. Constant rain makes my head ache.

    Why not Thailand then? Because USA got jobs.
  • 1
    @visudo why is it so shitty? I’m curious
  • 0
    @fun2code so...
  • 0
    @fun2code but these are cold too, so it’s not for me. Anyway thanks!
  • 0
    Kiki from 2023 here: This was the stupidest thing I’ve ever said.
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