Need help here.
I have to develop a HTML table layout without using <table> tag and CSS display:table styles.

Anyone has any ideas to share?

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    Why the fuck do you need to do that?
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    That's a task given by my senior at work. And I have no idea why?
  • 1
    Sounds like a trivia question. There are plenty of ways to do that.. Search for "CSS grids".

    Welcome to devRant.
  • 1
    flexbox or grid (:
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    <div class="wrap">
    <div class="c">use more of these</>

    height, width
    display: inline
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    Can't use any frameworks. They are restricted. Need pure CSS.
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    Thank you for the suggestion. I have tried that.
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    @Clear0Ff thank you for your suggestions. I finally implemented the table with both Grid and Flex.
    Both the implementation satisfy my requirements. Hope my senior accepts it.
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    Thank you everyone for you suggestions. Finally I implemented it using Grid and Flex.
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    @travipraveen i am glad :D good luck , hope he accepts it
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