
Was talking to a cousin of mine who's a priest and who spent 10 years in the Vatican, apparently they have 2-3 servers devoted specifically to acting as a firewall processing the data coming in and out of its network and it's a continuous stream of people trying to hack it, like think it would be pretty cool to see what way they have to whole thing set up, might see if he could take me on a tour (might even get a look at the private archives, though apparently it's mainly boring letters about popes meeting their mother and stuff

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    They can't hack it. It's infallible, like the Pope.

    Sound crazy? oh you poor misguided Catholic dev, I though logic was a thing that us devs did... you must use == in your if statements
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    @xroad I haven't a single clue as to what that guy just said, looks to be a bit anti catholic though, but I may be wrong
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    @hidden yes because only fedora-wearing neckbeard atheists understand logic. Everyone else is a Neanderthal that are too dumb for computers.
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