We were pretty caught up with the event, and had brought some beans or chili to dump on their ropes in the end. But I guess that wasn't good enough for me and I had the idea to defecate on their ropes. Events are really hazy for me here, perhaps because I have tried to repress these hurtful memories for most of 30 years, but I remember taking a dump on their cords, one of my friends trying but not being successful, and the other not dumping at all. Mostly, it was just me. And is a terribly hard thing for me to say and, of course, I am like, way ashamed. I was 21 years old at the time.

  • 2
    Ropes? Cords? Was this on a pirate ship or in a server room?
  • 5
    @Lensflare I assumed it was something kinky.

    Of course, it could be something kinky in the server room on a pirate ship.
  • 4
    @donkulator honestly it sounds like a kiki dream, but dreamt by b2plane
  • 2
    I am upvoting just because I don't know wtf is happening and I need closure.
  • 2
    @Demolishun @Lensflare

    That's a piece of rock climbing history written on a climbing forum in 2007 admitting back in 1999 he shat on a guy's rope because they started climbing without paying their respect to the local climber community.
  • 1
    @antigermgerm wtf is wrong with people? As a person who wants as little interaction with strangers as possible I find this disgusting on many levels. Are climbers like some sort of mafia?
  • 2
    @Demolishun exercising too hard makes people puke and shit all the time. so I guess they get used to it

    I mean would you rather get up the cliff or are you too much a pussy about your bodily fluids? you decide!

    pretty sure health nuts are created by the toxic food. a dude I dated evidently was fat before we met... he started exercising so hard he would puke at the gym. I told him that wasn't ok but on deaf ears. we went biking later and i knew my muscles were shot halfway through. he thought by bitching at me that I was basically a wimp and to keep going he was doing a good thing. I told him I could keep going but I'll be sick after. he agreed to this. so I did the rest of the trail even tho I didn't have any muscles left in my legs. then I spent the night later that day puking because you need salt to process that lactic acid out of your muscles and the guy on top of over-exercising ate nothing but fucking chocolates so I had no food... Jesus fuck miserable existence
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