
This to good to be true: a script that removes all win10 bloatware and "telemetry" processes at once.sat as .bat, execute and your pc runs smooth...could there a catch? Expert advise welcome ;) https://hwinfo.com/misc/...

  • 1
    Hard to say. I don't understand batch syntax, but if you do want to run it -- be sure to read every single line and understand what each command will do first.
  • 1
    Well...I did ;) It uninstalls even onedrive, searchui.exe,... CPU usage dropped by 50%. This works for me because I dont use all this shit. But indeed: use this at own risk and know what you are doing @kevbost
  • 0
    searchUI is Cortana, even though you disabled Cortana in the menu. It tracks behaviour, content and it sends data to microsoft...As far as I know. But you can always remove these lines from the script. @NoNameCode
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