Contribute more to open source projects.

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    started few weeks ago. 2 pull requests declined. contributions are irrelevant maybe. haha
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    finally got a volunteer gig coding. took me much longer than I anticipated
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    @japzio The last time I tried to contribute to an open source project they rejected my pull request. I worked so hard for two weeks trying to get the feature set right and also did testing and made sure the pipeline passed.

    Some people don't like when you contribute more than they do and they are the project creator :(
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    @Puddinglord It pays to submit an issue first to clarify the bug/feature and how exactly to fix/implement it. Then ask for permission to do so. If you did all that and they were still butthurt then that sucks and fuck them.
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    @TheyCallMeMJ Yeah. I was working on pre made issues and I even asked a bunch of questions about the project and made sure they knew I was working on it. People are really ungrateful sometimes 😢
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    On the bright side, at least you learned a lot over those two weeks (hopefully)!
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    @TheyCallMeMJ It was a semester long project but yes I did learn a lot 😂
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