
Does anyone else think the top menu bar on applications is way too big on ubuntu 18.04? Also, am I the only one who has a lot of ransom freezes in the os? I know its a beta version, but c'mon!

  • 4
    Yes. Always got anoyed by the wasted space from Titel, Status and menu bars. Not to talk about borders and all the other fancy starter panels, etc ...

    So I moved to i3wm ... Disabled all title, menu, status bars. Happy ever since 😀
  • 2
    Ubuntu sucks ass, try manjaro or arch
  • 3
    Ok so im not going crazy, the title bar is bloody huge now
  • 2
    Pretty sure there’s a setting for that
  • 1
    But wait... The SS doesn't look like the default gnome shell
  • 0
    If thats gnome 3 @ me and I'll tell how to resize it, have the same fixed on my antergos with gnome.
  • 1
    LXDE lets you resize these elements, and even remove them with a hotkey or event handler.
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    That's just gnome doing it's thing. Can't remember how I worked around that though..
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    @Rohr what is i3wm ??
  • 1
    Try some different derivative:
    Kubuntu - KDE, highly customizable
    Xubuntu - Xfce, highly customizable, not modern looking (my opinion)
    Ubuntu MATE - MATE, highly customizable, based on GNOME classic
  • 0
    Way to big.
  • 0
    You can also make it smaller using your Gnome Tweak Tools. There's a ton of good features in there.
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    @fun2code thank you for the detailed explanation. I thought window manager is a sort of desktop environment which allows you to customise the window features like control buttons and padding around the menu bar. It would be great right ?
    I really like the OS X menus and its control buttons.
    Is there any way to achieve that on ubuntu. Without using the themes.
    The whole desktop environment.
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    @Ileonichwiesz Yeah I thought I'd be able to use the tweak tool, but I can't find any option that allows me to do so under the window options
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    @JoshBent Yes, I believe it's gnome 3
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    @coder67 just do whats said here and experiment with the values to fit your needs, I have it on 3px to still have some space on the back and forward buttons but not too much https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/...
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    @DLMousey well you can. But mixing Qt and GTK based desktops is just bad. You will live in dependency hell and it would consume too much space. Installing some derivative is way easier to just test a different DE.
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