
You have 5 devs on a team at least 3 of them are working on the same code and there is no version control and we have to rely on looking at when the file was last modified....FML!!!

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    maybe suggest git or something ??
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    Why not use Git? 😳
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    I would love to hear the excuse not having version control. I bet you guys use ftp to deploy your shit.
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    we are 3 ppl in same project, we have git and there is times where things get messy.
    how the hell you guys work anyway? 😕
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    that is just creating problems. seriously there are so many free or cheap solutions to version control, there is no excuse not to use it.
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    @toyonut false. A valid excuse is you've lobbied the admins for months on end for them to install git and have gotten nowhere and have resigned yourself that you're stuck with no version control on the server until the server admin is replaced by a sane person.
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    Run for your life
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    @brettmoan but then you go one step up and explain WHY you need a version control system...
    and really, git you can use on your own dev computers, you can cm decide to have the repo on any of your computers and everybody contacts that one.
    For a admin, all they need to do is to allow the installation of git and if they would be so kind to have a share somewhere...
    Explain the simplicity for the admin and the benefit for the organisation.
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    I would honestly quit if a company refuses to install git or any other version control system. Hell, I use git for everything. I even saved my bachelor thesis on a git server. :'D
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    @cahva they do
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    I did tell them in a meeting that git is necessary...I am hoping that they will hop on that pronto
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